Change Log
- Design: Always limit width of disagg controls on map #2082
- Bugfix: High contrast fixes for scrolled tables #2081
- Feature: Do not use starting values when changing series #2076
- Feature: Only use valid start values for maps #2069
- Feature: Ensure checkboxes don't stay checked when switching units #2068
- Bugfix: Screenreader statuses for switching unit and series #2061
- Bugfix: Additional context for screenreaders when only 1 source #2057
- Bugfix: Use role=button in several places #2056
- Bugfix: Semantic markup for search result breadcrumbs #2055
- Feature: Observation attributes #2052
- Feature: Allow changing the label of the indicator count on disagg status tab #2036
- Feature: Add series and unit to chart/table CSV downloads #2035
- Feature: Indicator iframes #2025
- Bugfix: Translate country name in table header #2024
- Feature: Sticky header and first column on data tables #2016
- Bugfix: Fixes for chart.js annotations #1996, #2066
- Feature: Optional new design for site configuration page #1970
- Bugfix: Fix reference to map timedimension nezasa dependency #1962
- Design: SDG image on reporting status overall row #1960
- Bugfix: Fix for "Edit data" indicator form #1945
- Feature: Proxy indicators feature #1944
- Feature: Year range per disaggregation #1930
- Bugfix: Use data_start_values for maps #1929
- Feature: More details on custom map colors and support for functions #1924
- Feature: Double-size chart image downloads #1898
- Feature: Meta tag functionality #1892
- Feature: Custom headings and subheadings for goal pages #1891
- Bugfix: Use reporting status label in site configuration #1867
- Bugfix: Map search role removal #1857
- Feature: Use new site config/default for empty metadata placeholder for sources #1856
- Design: Focus styling for goal icon in indicator banner #1855
- Design: Max width for map disaggregation on desktop #1854
- Bugfix: Search suggestion stem fix #1853
- Bugfix: Contrast fixes for data/config forms #1844
- Design: Focus outline fix for goal icons on the reporting status page #1842
- Feature: Use more fuzzy searching for maps #1839
- Bugfix: Map disaggregation: name the function and the flag differently #1837
- Feature: Pass a second parameter to dataRounding which includes indicator id #1831
- Design: More margin above H2 when it is in content of 'page' and 'post' layouts #1819
- Bugfix: Use raw value for chart tooltip #1813
- Design: Remove play button from maps #1812
- Design: Horizontal rule thickness fix on goal pages #1809
- Feature: Year-slider starts with the most recent year #1808, #1830
- Feature: Support for goal_content_heading site config #1803
- Design: UX improvements for config and data form headers #1802
- Design: Updates to the indicator progress on goal pages #1801
- Design: Clarify button labels #1799
- Security: Lodash and jQuery upgrades #1798
- Design: Double focus outline (black in addition to yellow) #1797
- Bugfix: Better pruning of map disaggregations to hide region columns #1795
- Feature: Support local hrefs in metadata links #1794
- Feature: Translations in leafletDisaggregationControls #1791
- Bugfix: Remove extraneous markup #1784
- Bugfix: Fix for metadata content overflow on high magnification #1777
- Feature: Related indicators, publications, and sources #1776
- Feature: Placeholder for empty metadata #1775
- Design: Update data download card to use new translations #1774
- Bugfix: Maintain focus when changing series #1765
- Bugfix: Refresh keyboard navigation plugin on chart update #1762
- Feature: Wrap Y axis labels to 40 characters per line #1739
- Bugfix: Map series/unit behaviors #1724
- Bugfix: High contrast cookie modal #1719
- Bugfix: Fix for rescaler plugin when changing series #1715
- Feature: Alert about not supporting Internet Explorer #1710
- Bugfix: Translate the chart tooltip labels #1709
- Feature: Default to accessible chart colorset #1697
- Bugfix: Draw annotations after datasets #1696
- Design: Color/markup fixes for tags #1695
- Bugfix: Fix aria-controls attributes on reporting status page #1687
- Design: Map selection legend revamp moving name to the left #1680
- Feature: Breadcrumbs on all pages #1679
- Major upgrade: Deprecated code and settings removed - see upgrade instructions for details #1601, #1633, #1646, #1672, #1676
- Bugfix: Alter the value for target lines on tables #1675
- Bugfix: Allow keyboard access to cookie settings link in footer #1665
- Bugfix: Fix closing tag in data footer #1664
- Feature: No-javascript tweaks related to headline data #1663
- Bugfix: Various chart-related fixes #1662
- Bugfix: Style fixes for data edit form #1661
- Bugfix: Pin to 2.6.1 of json-editor #1660
- Feature: For no-js: hide hamburger toggle, expand hamburger menu, hide drop-downs #1655
- Bugfix: Handle null values in current series/unit for footer fields #1652
- Feature: Map disaggregation #1649 #1699 #1705 #1714
- Design: Explicitly turn off text indent on paragraphs #1643
- Design: Fix for alignment of search button on search page #1642
- Design: Remove top padding on main-content #1640
- Design: Move table column arrows to right #1639
- Design: Do not float icon on goal page on mobile #1638
- Design: Less space above frontpage card sections #1637
- Design: Larger font size for main nav #1636
- Feature: Back-to-top cleanup and added to goals/indicators/status pages #1635
- Feature: Hide search and contrast, and switch to language-toggle links, when no javascript #1618
- Bugfix: Do not change map title when series changes #1606
- Feature: Support for site config and translation keys inside content/translations #1605 #1703
- Bugfix: Fix breadcrumb markup in bootstrap 5 posts #1589
- Bugfix: Pin to 2.6.1 of json-editor #1670
- Bugfix: Better catching of invalid map values #1588
- Feature: Dispaly time-series attributes in footer #1569
- Feature: Include file for custom disclaimer content #1568
- Feature: Include file for custom footer content #1563
- Design: Styles updates for data notices #1561
- Feature: Dynamic unit of measurement in data footer #1560
- Feature: Support for Bootstrap 5 #1558, #1575, #1577, #1581, #1582, #1584
- Feature: Indicator config 'graph_types' for dynamic chart type per unit/series #1548
- Feature: Support for Chart.js 3 #1548, #1564, #1565, #1567
- Maintenance: Docker config for VS Code #1525
- Bugfix: Page-not-found fix and high-contrast version of color wheel #1522
- Feature: Change more font-sizes to use variables #1496
- Bugfix: Remove graph limits if there should be none #1485
- Feature: Indicator config 'footer_fields' for dynamic footer fields per unit/series #1484
- Bugfix: Handle case where starting value does not exist in selected series #1479
- Feature: Ignore disaggregation columns #1463
- Feature: Control the order of the indicator tabs (chart/table/map/etc) #1462
- Feature: Layout for page-not-found (404) pages #1421
- Bugfix: Handle case where starting value does not exist in series #1479
- Feature: Custom footer fields beneath chart/table #1484
- Bugfix: Remove graph limits if there should be none after changing series #1485
- Feature: More use of Sass variables for font-sizes throughout platform #1496
- Feature: Metadata report on data dashboard #1406
- Bugfix: Accessibility fix on mobile navigation menu #1389
- Bugfix: Consistent treatment of parent/child disaggregations #1381
- Bugfix: Fixes for sorting of hierarchical disaggregations #1360
- Bugfix: Avoid changing config settings without user action #1358
- Feature: Reporting progress on indicator pages and goal pages #1356, #1408
- Feature: Optionally hide some reporting status types on goal pages #1356
- Feature: Add "target lines" to the data table on indicator pages #1353
- Bugfix: Correct cookie name for Google Analytics #1332
- Feature: Configurable favicon setting #1330
- Bugfix: Consistent link color in data notices #1329
- Style: Refactor and fixes for post categories and reporting status #1328
- Bugfix: Avoid javascript errors on non-search pages #1380
- Bugfix: Fix for missing units after changing series #1373
- Security: Cross-site-scripting fix for search page #1370
- Bugfix: Google Analytics cookie fix #1332
- Fix for empty values in map ranges #1311
- Allow for placeholder indicators #1310
- Fixes and better defaults for graph annotations #1309
- New "target_lines" and "series_breaks" settings #1309
- Fix for config builder loop issue #1296
- Cleanup of favicon code #1295
- Lower tooltip opacity on charts #1294
- Optional label for the horizontal (x) axis #1293
- Left-aligned graph titles #1292
- Option to hide single unit and/or single series #1288
- Self-host Open Sans instead of using Google Webfonts #1285
- Remove Sharethis option #1284
- Add language-specific classes to the language-toggle options #1253
- Cookie consent form #1235
- Allow non-numeric goal IDs #1074
- Optimization of getCombinationData #1269
- Fixes related to data_start_values and series/units #1265, #1270
- Graph limits fix #1260
- Add slash after 'search' in URL #1256
- Remove unused assets: tether.js, d3 #1234
- Max width so that status will wrap on goal-by-target-vertical #1233
- Fixes for some zoom issues on maps #1228
- Aria attributes to improve accessibility of map search suggestions #1222
- Square points for headline on line charts #1220
- Handle searches with no input #1219
- Include file for custom
content #1215 - Include file for easier overriding of body classes #1212
- Bug fix: allow multiple multi-level disaggregations #1205
- Remove the selection-bar from the disaggregation control dropdowns #1203
- Hide first-element H1s in metadata for better display of global templates #1199
- In reporting status display "Reported" instead of "Reported online" #1180
- Metadata fields containing "_date" will be formatted as dates #1175
- New date-only Git-based metadata fields open-sdg/sdg-build#244
- Option for a single-icon high-contrast toggle #1171
- Option to use series for chart titles when available #1168
- Darker color for main nav #1142
- Move goal header to include file #1128
- Metadata and data forms and other improvements to config forms #1082
- Configurable chart headline colors #1145
- High contrast fix: hover color for disaggregation values in dropdown #1122
- Avoid highlighting entire div on focus #1120
- High contrast fix: Remove hover styles for chart legend #1119
- High contrast fix: Too-many-datasets message #1117
- High contrast fix: Focus color on dropdowns #1116
- High contrast fix: Fix reporting status type styling in goal-by-target-vertical #1112
- Fix support for indicator ID searches in all languages #1110
- Tweak the link/visited colors in high contrast mode #1104
- New 'accessible' color-set option for optimal contrast #1103
- Add gutter to sources tab #1096
- Color adjustments for chart grids #1095
- Switch to Lodash instead of Underscrore #1092
- Bug fix - variable name in config builder #1091
- Use https to avoid mixed content error on config forms #1090
- Do not use empty titles in head #1089
- Refactor and style updates for tags on goal pages #1088
- Fix layout issues with odd-numbered indicator sources #1087
- Reset button for config forms #1086
- Updates to news layout markup/style #1078
- Precision, decimal separator, and data display alterations #1073
- Allow numeric disaggregation #1072
- Translate 'Results found' #1071
- Use configured zip filename #1061
- High contrast fix: chart image downloads #1048
- Reporting status accessibility fixes #1044
- HTML 'lang' attribute should depend on current language #1042
- Map data should use rounding function #1040
- Do not change SVG images in high-contrast mode #1039, #1121
- Show units in chart tooltips #1038
- Improvements to hierarchical sorting of disaggregation controls #1037
- Optimization of validParentsByChild #1036
- Allow alternative unit and series columns #1027
- Per-indicator label for COMPOSITE_BREAKDOWN column #1026
- Changing series should affect the visible units/fields #1025
- Dropdowns in the main menu #1016
- Consistent color-assignments for disaggregations on chart #1011
- Increase goal-by-target-vertical indentation #1008
- Optional left-aligned header, increase awareness for search box, and search results-page tweaks #1002
- Optional previous/next navigation for indicators and goals #1001
- Allow alteration of DataTable configuration and fix tables for "binary" indicators #995
- Support non-numeric years in maps #993
- Standalone (non-SDG) indicators #988
For data-related updates, see the SDG Build changelog.
- Tweak page-content styles for goal pages #1034
- Margin below descriptions on reporting-status and goals pages #1032
- Fix bottom margin on frontpage goal tiles #1009
- Support for goal content #1005
- Tab focus design fixes #990
- Disaggregation status tab #970
- Different canvas fallback for mobile/desktop. #968
- Remove aria-label from table headers #967
- Move fieldset/legend to different spot in markup #966
- Keep swatch colors in Edge/IE + high-contrast mode #957
- Remove rowspan and colspan from table headers #954
- Fix the mobile navigation tab order #952
- Better support for third-party and remote javascript files. #951
- Map color contrast fixes #946
- Map search accessibility #945
- Map fullscreen accessibility #944, #958
- Map slider accessibility #941
- More descriptive disaggregation button label/hierarchy for screenreaders #935
- Use aria-hidden when hiding sidebar #934
- aria-describedby for no-data-hint #933
- Remove role from datatable #927
- Make map unfocusable and remove loading image #926
- Consider hierarchy when sorting fields #920
- Add background colour to goal icons #919
- Allow disabling of news category links #917
- Remove legend clickability #914
- Support for Chart.js annotations #912
- Backwards-compatible array-style for search_index_boost #907
- Add site title to page title #906
- Full indicator name in the page title and h1 #905
- Accessible charts #904, #963
- Use text-colour for table caption #903
- Alert role and screenreader-only warning label for too-many-datasets #902
- Search results link fixes #901
- Chart/table accessibility #894
- Translate page titles and content #891
- Use aside instead of div for news sidebar #890
- Search button outside of label #886
- Revamp of chart/table/map footers #885, #948
- Use text color for disclaimer text #883
- Add aria-label to contrast toggle #882
- Accessibility fixes for sorting tables #880
- Accessibility improvements for chart legends #878
- Remove alert role from disclaimer #877
- Default mouse cursor on disabled elements #876
- Announce changes to the chart/table #875, #916
- Use buttons for the mobile menu/search drop-downs #874
- aria-described-by for indicator disaggregation variable hint #873
- H4 instead of H3 for chart title #872
- More efficient unique function for better support of large datasets #871
- Use darker text color and default to white text in high-contrast #865
- More obvious focus colors #864
- Fieldsets around radios and checkboxes #863
- Better keyboard accessibility for tabbed content #862, #884, #925, #953, #965
- Add an anchor for any back-to-top links #836
- H1 in news and post layouts #835
- Page titles #834
- Allow translated href in footer menu links #825
- More space beneath reporting status goal items #824
- Only link indicator name in goal-by-target #823
- Button revamp #822
- New breadcrumb configuration and separator #821
- Add vertical hover lines to line charts #816
- Refactor metadata tabs to support array structure #812
- Support markdown in the description property of some config settings #811
- Custom source-file downloads #809
- Pad the search bar to avoid hiding terms #807
- Skip map layers that do not have data #806
- Line height fix for Firefox search icon #797
- Simplify goals layout and allow configurable intro #793
- Display a no-data message when chart has no data #786
- Optional setting for language toggle as links #784
- Configurable reporting status title and description #778
- Vertical goal-by-target layout #776, #838
- More usage of variables with status colors and borders #773
- Syntax fix - map tooltips #768
- Support translations in the reporting status extra fields #767
- Fix styling of mobile menu items #765
- Hide map selection legend on mobile #764
- Update tooltips of active selections when the year changes #763
- Translate mobile search buttons #762
- Correct selector to avoid infinite loop #761
- Sort the disaggregations that display in table headers #760
- Visited color for download buttons #759
- Alt tag for loading image #758
- Javascript fixes for IE support #757
The release involved significant changes, in part to resolve serious accessibility issues. Extensive testing has helped us avoid breaking changes, except in regards to chart/table footer fields:
- _includes/components/charts/chart.html
- _includes/components/indicator/table.html
If you have overridden either to these two files, your chart/table "footer fields" may not display properly. More information on the necessary updates is on the 1.2.0 upgrade instructions.
Most files in the _includes and _layouts folders underwent some change in this release. If you are overriding any of those files, your implementation might not benefit from the various enhancements/fixes in the release.
For details on upgrading from 1.0.0 or higher to 1.2.0, see the 1.2.0 upgrade instructions.
- Embed using either Pym parent or iframe (#751)
- Use increased font size (#750)
- Link to new site in footer (#746)
- Default to country name for headline label on charts/tables (#744)
- Join data points when data is missing (#742)
- Javascript fixes for IE support (#757)
- Alt tag for loading image (#758)
- Visited color for download buttons (#759)
- Sort the disaggregations that display in table headers (#760)
- Correct selector to avoid infinite loop (#761)
- Translate mobile search buttons (#762)
- Update tooltips of active selections when the year changes (#763, #768)
- Hide map selection legend on mobile (#764)
- Fix styling of mobile menu items (#765)
- Support translations in the reporting status extra fields (#767)
- Syntax fix - map tooltips (#768)
- Backwards compatibility for code mobile search button text (#771)
- Alternate frontpage layout (#772)
- More usage of variables with status colors and borders (#773)
- Vertical goal-by-target layout (#776)
- Configurable reporting status title and description (#778)
The release contains no breaking changes. However, if you are overriding any of the following files, your implementation might not benefit from the various enhancements/fixes in the release:
- _includes/assets/js/indicatorView.js
- _includes/assets/js/menu.js
- _includes/assets/js/model/chartHelpers.js
- _includes/assets/js/plugins/jquery.sdgMap.js
- _includes/components/indicator/data-panes.html
- _includes/components/indicator/data-tabs.html
- _includes/components/indicator/embedded-feature.html
- _includes/components/indicator/indicator-main.html
- _includes/footer.html
- _includes/polyfills.html
- _includes/scripts.html
- _layouts/frontpage.html
- _layouts/goal-by-target.html
- _layouts/goal.html
- _layouts/reportingstatus.html
- More consistent template variables without globals (#394)
- Auto fit search bar around placeholder text (#407)
- Add link to Open SDG to footer (#411)
- Configurable footer menu links (#414)
- Escape variables in alt attributes (#415)
- Use indicator_available instead of graph_title for the indicator page H2 (#422)
- Reporting status for any metadata field (#424)
- Switch to Lunr for search functionality (#427)
- Metadata field translation keys (#428)
- Show post excerpts on news page (#431)
- Refactoring of Sass style sheets (#439)
- Ensure that indicator data always has a value (#441)
- Set background to white for pages and footer (#448)
- General javascript cleanup (#451)
- Add box shadows to goal tiles (#452)
- Underline menu items when hovered (#454)
- Move search box above the top navigation (#455)
- Keep searchbox the same size when in focus (#456)
- Multilingual news/posts (#457)
- Make bars striped after unique colors are exhausted (#459)
- Remove uppercase styling for top menu (#461)
- Make serve command for easier local development (#464)
- Adjust homepage whitespace (#465, #473)
- Redesign indicator page tabs (#466, #472, #479)
- Change the styling of the top banner on goal and indicator pages (#474)
- Update the chart download button when data changes (#476)
- Fixed rounding on reporting status page progress bar (#485)
- Add an introduction banner to the frontpage (#486, #545, #565)
- Set aria-label on search button (#487)
- Bulk download link beneath the homepage grid (#489)
- Black text for tab links (#490)
- Set aria-disabled on 'Clear selections' button (#491)
- Chart refactor for limits and stacked bars (#497)
- Fit total number of indicators on one line (#502)
- Also have overall total in box (#505)
- Remove goal line from indicator banner (#506)
- Remove unused images (#509)
- Change the styling of the search input field (#515)
- Fix for the edge case of local data with untranslated builds (#522)
- Update styling of reporting status progress bars (#533, #613)
- Chart title per unit of measurement (#538)
- Upgrade to jQuery 3.4.1 (#547)
- Allow the use of user-defined colors in charts (#553)
- Increase the font size of the header navigation menu (#572)
- Search page design improvements (#586)
- Remove hover styling from metadata fields (#587)
- Align more elements flush to the left (#588)
- Change reporting status progress bar colors to be less dominating (#589)
- High-contrast fixes for chart grids/ticks (#593)
- Indicator cards styling updates (#594)
- Only show disaggregations that have data in drop-downs (#600)
- Move units above subcategories (#603)
- Hide the sub-categories when there are no disaggregations (#604)
- Automatic site builds whenever the data changes (#605)
- Disclaimer configuration and redesign (#620)
- High-contrast support for y-axis scale label (#621)
- Goal page styling updates (#622)
- Fix navigation hover issue (#626)
- Indicator page refactor with more components (#646)
- indicatorModel.js refactor (#652)
- Move indicator available above indicator content (#654)
- Heading styling / font change (#659)
- Move colored bar to top of page (#661)
- More whitespace around search bar/logo (#667)
- Support transparent high-contrast goal images (#671)
- Allow easier customisation of colors through Sass variables(#700, #715, #723)
- Bugfix for search "boost" functionality (#717)
- Add Github issue templates (#718)
- Sitewide link styling (#705)
Breaking changes:
This is a major version upgrade and contains some breaking changes. Full technical details are available in 1.0.0 upgrade instructions. But here is a brief summary of the breaking changes:
- This upgrade should be accompanied by an upgrade to:
- jekyll-open-sdg-plugins 1.0.0
- sdg-build 1.0.0
- sdg-translations 1.0.0
- Some global Liquid variables have changed. For example:
has changed topage.t
has changed topage.indicator
has changed topage.language
- Details on Liquid variables can be found in the Jekyll customisation docs.
- The following include files have been removed:
- indicator-variables.html
- goal-variables.html
- multilingual.html
- The following includes files have been moved:
- data-notice.html
- fields-template.html
- indicator-content.html
- metadata.html
- sources.html
- units-template.html
- All include files and layout files in the platform have been updated.
filter is no longer supported. Usesdg_lookup
and hash objects instead. Eg:{% assign indicatorId = '1.1.1' %} {% assign myIndicator = indicatorId | sdg_lookup %} <p>The name of my indicator is: {{ }}</p> <p>My indicator is in goal {{ myIndicator.goal_number }}.</p> {% assign myGoal = myIndicator.goal_number | sdg_lookup %} <p>The name of my goal is {{ }}.</p>
For more details see the Jekyll customisation docs.
setting is no longer supported. Useremote_data_prefix
instead. - The
configuration option is deprecated. Override the_sass/custom.scss
file instead. - The H2 on indicator pages is now controlled by the
metadata field, rather thangraph_title
. - The expected structure of the
metadata field has changed to be a list of objects, rather than a list of strings. See an example of using data_start_values.
- Functionality and docs for a 'languages_public' mapping (#360)
- Footerfield for Copyright (#364)
- Configurable URLs for the edit buttons (#368)
- Metadata tabs configuration (#378)
- Ability to hide empty metadata (#378)
- Add footer to embed tag (#401)
Breaking changes:
- This upgrade should be accompanied by an upgrade to:
- jekyll-open-sdg-plugins 0.0.16
- In addition, if you have overridden any of the following files, check this diff to see if you need to make any updates to your overriddes:
- _includes/assets/js/indicatorModel.js
- _includes/components/breadcrumb.html
- _includes/components/edit-buttons.html
- _includes/components/headline.html
- _includes/components/language-toggle.html
- _includes/components/metadata.html
- _includes/goal-variables.html
- _includes/head.html
- _includes/indicator-variables.html
- _includes/multilingual.html
- _includes/scripts.html
- _layouts/goal-by-target.html
- _layouts/goal.html
- _layouts/indicator.html
- Center embed title (#330)
- Move charset to beginning of head (#333)
- Fixes for forcing units/disaggregation when there is no headline (#338)
- Switch to flattened global translations (#344)
- Allow min and max value to be set on y axis (#351, #352)
Breaking changes:
- This upgrade MUST be accompanied by an upgrade to both:
- sdg-translations 0.8.0 (or higher)
- jekyll-open-sdg-plugins 0.0.14 (or higher)
- In addition, if you have overridden any of the following files, check this diff to see if you need to make any updates to your overriddes:
- _includes/assets/js/indicatorView.js
- _includes/components/breadcrumb.html
- _includes/components/charts/bar.html
- _includes/components/charts/line.html
- _includes/head.html
- _includes/indicator-variables.html
- _layouts/frontpage.html
- _layouts/goal-by-target.html
- _layouts/goal.html
- _layouts/indicator-json.html
- _layouts/indicator.html
- _layouts/reportingstatus.html
- assets/css/default.scss
- Translate regions on maps (#255)
- Translate each part of the combined disaggregation labels (#256)
- Set a body class for each layout (#257)
- Force a specific unit if needed when no headline data (#264)
- Use page.url instead of page.permalink to determine active menu item (#266)
- Fixed typo in quickstart (#270)
- Fix search bar styling for IE and mobile (#273)
- Screen reader to read out disaggregation is expandable/collapsible and what state it is in (#317)
- Prefix social media platform links with platform name (#318)
- Clean up embed code and make more configurable (#319)
- Make search bar obvious to screen readers (#320)
- Give goal page title in format
Goal # - Goal title
(#321) - Screen reader to indicate when check boxes are selected (#323)
- Add configurable data notice to indicator pages (#296)
- Stop disclaimer from overhanging if text is long (#309)
- Have list of sources in graph footer rather than just one (#311)
- Mobile menu fix (#324)
- Allow markdown in all visible metadata fields (#303)
- Optional alternative contrast button (#325)
- Chart attributes changes from canvas to html (#315)
Breaking changes:
- You should be using SDG Translations 0.7.0 or higher before upgrading to this release
- Embedded feature configuration has changed. If you are using the embedded option you need to alter the metadata tags to account for these changes.
- After this change, all sites will need to have jekyll-open-sdg-plugins 0.0.13 or later.
- In addition, if you have overridden any of the following files, check this diff to see if you need to make any updates to your overriddes:
- _includes/assets/js/indicatorModel.js
- _includes/assets/js/indicatorView.js
- _includes/assets/js/menu.js
- _includes/assets/js/plugins/jquery.sdgMap.js
- _includes/components/data-notice.html
- _includes/components/metadata.html
- _includes/footer.html
- _includes/head.html
- _includes/header.html
- _includes/search.html
- _layouts/indicator.html
- assets/css/default.scss
- Create search button (#244, #251)
- Translate the var_hint_replacement variable (#246)
- Add sticky share buttons (#242)
- Make sure the target name is also white in high-contrast (#241)
- Refactor/cleanup of footerFields for charts/tables (#239)
- Hide/show the sidebar depending on the active tab (#233)
- Translate the units of measurement in the Y axis (#228)
- Correct the initially-selected unit when headline doesn't use first unit (#220)
- Remove data rounding and provide an easier way to add custom rounding (#212)
- Catch another spot where zeroes are getting clobbered: the headline (#211)
- Enable support for buttons on mobile top level menu (#210)
- Expect dash-delimited translation keys for indicators/targets (#206)
- A more precise check for data (disaggregation) translations. (#202)
- Support zero values (#201)
- Disaggregation accordions: Move ARIA expanded status to button (#200)
Breaking changes:
- Rounding of data has been removed by default. For instructions on adding it back, and controlling the behavior, see #212.
- Translation keys for indicators/targets are now expected to be dash-delimited instead of dot-delimited. This means that you should not upgrade to this release until you are using SDG Translations 0.6.0 or higher.
- Data disaggregation translation keys (ie, translations inside a
file) are now expected to be case-sensitive matches, and are no longer automatically converted to lowercase. - In addition, if you have overridden any of the following files, check this diff to see if you need to make any updates to your overriddes:
- _includes/assets/js/accessibility.js
- _includes/assets/js/indicatorModel.js
- _includes/assets/js/indicatorView.js
- _includes/assets/js/menu.js
- _includes/assets/js/search.js
- _includes/components/fields-template.html
- _includes/components/units-template.html
- _includes/head.html
- _includes/javascript-variables.html
- _includes/multilingual-js-base.html
- _includes/scripts.html
- _includes/search.html
- _layouts/indicator.html
- assets/css/default.scss
- Translate 'goal x' on search results page (#191)
- Translate 'indicators' on reporting status page (#190)
- Add facebook option to footer (#189)
- Autotrack for Google Analytics (#188)
- Better selection of fields when there is no headline (#186)
- Only add the (fake) goal 18 if there are exactly 17 goals (#184)
- Allow either multiple or single map layers (#183)
- Round the percentages on reporting status page (#182)
- Wrap the text of the 'Source' metadata below charts (#181)
- Ensure binary graphs always stretch from Yes (1) to No (-1) (#177)
- More robust way to display indicator names (#173)
- Update Bootstrap to 3.4.1 (#170)
- Accessibility: update footer as unordered list (#167)
- All-around cleanup, documentation, and light refactor of Chart.js stuff (#166)
- Add ARIA expanded attribute to dissaggregation selectors (#162)
- Polyfills for Array.forEach and String.includes (#154)
- Add notapplicable as fully supported status (#150)
- Configurable frontpage headings (#147)
- Exclude column 'Unit measure' from display (#145)
Breaking changes:
- An new required feature was added in jekyll-open-sdg-plugins. Make sure your Gemfile is referencing version 0.0.10 of jekyll-open-sdg-plugins, as shown here.
- In addition, if you have overridden any of the following files, check this diff to see if you need to make any updates to your overriddes:
- _includes/assets/js/accessibility.js
- _includes/assets/js/googleAnalytics.js
- _includes/assets/js/indicatorModel.js
- _includes/assets/js/indicatorView.js
- _includes/assets/js/plugins/jquery.sdgMap.js
- _includes/components/charts/bar.html
- _includes/components/charts/binary.html
- _includes/components/charts/chart.html
- _includes/components/charts/line.html
- _includes/components/fields-template.html
- _includes/footer.html
- _includes/head.html
- _includes/indicator-variables.html
- _includes/javascript-variables.html
- _includes/polyfills.html
- _includes/scripts.html
- _layouts/frontpage.html
- _layouts/goal-by-target.html
- _layouts/goal.html
- _layouts/indicator-json.html
- _layouts/indicator.html
- _layouts/reportingstatus.html
- _layouts/search.html
- assets/css/default.scss
- assets/js/sdg.js
Refactoring, re-structuring, bug fixes, and enhancements.
- Revamp reporting status page to allow for custom types (#111)
- Support translation of data columns/filters (#117, #137)
- Add optional layout for two-column goal pages (#118)
- Maps: skip missing years in the year slider (#119)
- Prevent issues with special characters on search page (#120)
- Allow control of text of non-global metadata tab (#121)
- Translate additional elements (#116, #122)
- Change goal paths to use numbers (#123)
- Use scope=row to improve table accessibility (#124)
- Sort list of years to fix possible mapping problems with year slider (#126)
- Make it easier to override Google Analytics (#128)
- Keep 2 special columns out of disaggregation filters (#131)
Breaking changes:
- An upstream bug was fixed in jekyll-open-sdg-plugins. Make sure your Gemfile is referencing version 0.0.6 of jekyll-open-sdg-plugins, as shown here.
- The reporting status page has been refactored, and the following changes will be needed:
- In the data repository, make sure the order of the
options in your_prose.yml
file matches the order you would like them to appear on the page. Example here. - In the data repository, make sure you are using at least version 0.3.0 of SDG Build. Example here.
- In the site repository, make sure you are pulling in this new data in the
section. Example here.
- In the data repository, make sure the order of the
- All goal pages will need updated permalinks. Example here.
- You may also want to create redirects from the old permalinks. Example here and here.
- In addition, if you have overridden any of the following files, check this diff to see if you need to make any updates to your overriddes:
- _includes/assets/js/indicatorModel.js
- _includes/assets/js/indicatorView.js
- _includes/assets/js/plugins/jquery.sdgMap.js
- _includes/assets/js/plugins/leaflet.yearSlider.js
- _includes/assets/js/search.js
- _includes/components/fields-template.html
- _includes/components/headline.html
- _includes/components/units-template.html
- _includes/footer.html
- _includes/head.html
- _includes/indicator-variables.html
- _layouts/frontpage.html
- _layouts/goal.html
- _layouts/indicator.html
- _layouts/reportingstatus.html
- _layouts/search.html
- assets/css/default.scss
Minor release with some multilingual enhancements and other bug fixes.
- Fix bug with maps that have more than 2 layers (#104)
- Optional method for translating metadata (#102)
- Translate the country name/adjective on the homepage (#101)
- Remove all goal images from this project (#99)
- Fix problems with double-quotes breaking the search page (#98)
- Translate indicator tags on goal pages (#96)
- Simpler translation of navigation menu items (#94)
This release will require at least one update to your code.:
Breaking changes:
- You should add the following line to your
- In addition, if you have overridden any of the following files, check this diff to see if you need to make any updates to your overriddes:
- _includes/assets/js/plugins/jquery.sdgMap.js
- _includes/components/metadata.html
- _includes/header.html
- _layouts/frontpage.html
- _layouts/goal.html
- _layouts/indicator.html
- _layouts/reportingstatus.html
- _layouts/search.html
- _layouts/indicator-json.html
- assets/css/default.scss
Patch release with some accessibility and bug fixes.
- Bugfix for page titles (#64)
- Accessibility improvements for high contrast mode (#2) (#4)
- Search queries now use a
string for better GA compatibility (#81)
Breaking changes: For any sites that have overridden the theme, they will need to add {% include multilingual.html %}
at the top of each page as this has been moved out of head.html
- Changelog added (#47)
- Update community page after US launch (#46)
- Remove the hardcoded menu (#43)
- Leaflet map (#34)
- Cucumber tests (#48)
- Configurable Twitter link (#44)
- Makefile for CI (#38)
- Max height on disclaimer component (5bbeeb2ab8bf056800c423d9427653950b64f894)
- Lots of documentation updates
This is the initial release, consisting of code developed in collaboration between teams in the UK and the US. This release is production-ready, but further development and documentation will be done, leading up to a 1.0.0 release.