In your data repository the indicator configuration is maintained on an indicator-by-indicator basis. This indicator configuration contains set fields, which have specific uses in Open SDG. This page details those fields.

Note about indicator configuration file formats

By default, Open SDG platforms expect the individual indicator configuration files to be uploaded in YML format to the "indicator-config" folder. See this example in the data starter repo

Indicator configuration forms

To help with configuring indicators, you can optionally enable user-friendly indicator configuration forms, which will allow you to fill in a form and then download a YML file which will be ready to upload to your platform.

For more details on how to enable these forms, see the indicator_config_form site configuration setting.

Note about translation keys

Indicator configuration values can either be filled in with normal text ("My field value") or with translation keys (my_translations.my_translation). In the examples below, we will try to demonstrate both possibilities.

Note about unit-specific and series-specific settings

Several indicator configuration settings can be limited to a particular Unit and/or Series. For example, the graph_titles setting can be configured like this:

  - unit: Percent
    title: My title for percent
  - unit: Total
    title: My title for total

Indicator setting for a specific Series-Unit combination can be configured like this:

  - series: Wastewater treated
    unit: Percent
    title: My title for percent of wastewater treated

In addition to graph_titles, the other fields like this include:

  • graph_annotations
  • graph_limits
  • graph_types
  • precision

These fields are described below. Note that if a unit/series is not specified, then the item will apply to any unit/series. For example:

  - series: SERIES123
    title: This title will appear for SERIES123 only
  - series: ''
    title: This title will appear for all other series

Indicator configuration fields


Optional This setting is used when importing data from SDMX to specify a more useful label for the COMPOSITE_BREAKDOWN column (if present). Translation keys are supported, as always. Using the example below would change the COMPOSITE_BREAKDOWN label to "Hazard type" for this indicator:

composite_breakdown_label: Hazard type


Recommended: This setting is used to specify the unit used in the headline data for the indicator. It will display below the graph and table, on the graph y-axis, and on the graph tooltips on the indicator page.

computation_units: Metric tons

With translation key:

computation_units: my_translations.metric_tons

Optional: This setting can be used to display copyright information below the graph and table on the indicator page.

copyright: Copyright 2019 - My organisation

With translation key:

copyright: my_translations.copyright_message


Optional: This setting can be used to display additional inforamtion about the data below the graph and table on the indicator page.

data_footnote: My additional information

With translation key:

data_footnote: my_translations.1-1-1-footnote


Required: This setting is used to specify whether the indicator is statistical (can be charted/graphed) or not. If you have uploaded data that you want to display on a chart/table for an indicator, set this to false.

data_non_statistical: false

Data notices

You may want to display some very important information which site viewers must keep in mind when using the data provided. To display a notice above the graph in a coloured box, you can use the following fields within the metadata file.


Optional: This setting can be used to set the colour of a data notice using CSS classes.

data_notice_class: success

Options out-of-the-box are: * success (green) * warning (amber) * danger (red)


Optional: This setting can be used to set the title of a data notice.

data_notice_heading: Important Note

With translation key:

data_notice_heading: my_translations.important_note


Optional: This setting can be used to set the text to display within a data notice.

data_notice_text: My note text

With translation key:

data_notice_text: my_translations.1-1-1-data-notice


Optional This setting can be used to specify whether or not to display a map for the indicator, if you have configured maps. See the Maps guidance for more information on how to configure maps.

data_show_map: true


Optional: This setting is used to specify if you would like an indicator load with certain disaggregation values already selected. Using the example below, the indicator would load with both "Females" and "15 to 19" selected.

  - field: Sex
    value: Females
  - field: Age
    value: 15 to 19

Embedded feature settings

You may want to add an additional feature which isn't created from data, such as an iframe. You can create an extra tab to display this feature by adding the following fields to the metadata file. You can either specify a URL (use embedded_feature_url) or some HTML (use embedded_feature_html) for the feature you want to embed.

Recommended (if using embedded feature): This setting can be used to specify information about an embedded feature which displays below embed.

embedded_feature_footer: This graph is provided by "My Organisation"


Required (if not using embedded_feature_url when using embedded feature): This setting can be used to specify HTML code of the feature that you want to embed. You may use this when you don't have control of the original feature that you want to embed, and so need to make some changes e.g. to the size, title, or other attributes.

embedded_feature_html: <iframe width="1110" height="700" title="Childhood Vaccination Coverage Statistics" src="" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>


Required (if using embedded feature): This setting can be used to specify the text that will display on the tab which your embedded feature will display within.

embedded_feature_tab_title: Embedded Chart


Recommended (if using embedded feature): This setting can be used to specify the title to be shown above the embedded feature

embedded_feature_title: My embedded chart


Required (if not using embedded_feature_html when using embedded feature): This setting can be used to specify the the URL of feature that you want to embed. You may use this when you have control over the original feature that you want to embed, and don't need to make any changes e.g. if the feature is already the correct size.



Optional: This setting is used to supply metrics to the disaggregation status report (see the reporting_status site configuration). It should contain a list of the disaggregations (i.e. columns in the CSV file) that the indicator should have.

  - Age
  - Sex

The following fields affect the display of graphs. Currently only longitudinal graphs are available but more are planned. These fields are experimental. Graph fields do not show up on the web page as metadata; we will use them in the future for setting how a graphic should render, some extra labels etc.

Optional: This setting is used to add any arbitrary footer fields beneath the chart/table. These display under the other footer field settings, like copyright and data_footnote.

This setting should include a list of items, each containing at least a label (which can be a translation key) and value. For example:

  - label: My field label
    value: My field content
  - label: My other field label
    value: My other field content

You can also limit items to a particular unit or series. For example:

  - unit: percentage
    label: My field for percentages
    value: My field content
  - unit: total
    label: My field for totals
    value: My other field content


Optional: Note that this setting is quite complex, and is not recommended unless you really need a particular type of graph annotation. For much simpler alternatives specifically designed for the most common use-cases, see the graph_target_lines and graph_series_breaks settings.

This setting can be used to add line annotations to the graph, such as target lines to show the progress towards the 2030 goal for an indicator (though, again, there is a separate graph_target_lines setting specifically designed for target lines). Like graph_titles it can include multiple annotations, and limited to particular units or series. Each item can have the following settings:

* `series`: If specified, the annotation will only display when the user is looking at this series.
* `unit`: If specified, the annotation will only display when the user is looking at this unit of measurement.
* `value`: Used for line annotations. The value at which to draw the line. For horizontal lines, this number corresponds to your actual data. For vertical lines, this number should be between 0 (the left side of the chart) and the number of years minus 1 (the right side of the chart). See [Chart.js documentation]( for details.
* `endValue`: Used for line annotations. Optional value at which the line ends. See [Chart.js documentation]( for details.
* `description`: Either a string or function returning a description of the annotation. This is necessary for accessibility, as the description is read by screenreaders. The description does not appear visually on the page.
* `mode`: Can be "vertical" or "horizontal". See [Chart.js documentation]( for details.
* `borderColor`: The color of the line/box. See [Chart.js documentation]( for details.
* `borderDash`: The type of dashes for a line. See [Chart.js documentation]( for details.
* `label`: Additional settings for controlling the label:
    * `position`: Can be "top", "bottom", "left", "right", or "center". See [Chart.js documentation]( for details.
    * `content`: The text of the label (can be a translation key). See [Chart.js documentation]( for details.
    * `fontColor`: The color of the label text. See [Chart.js documentation]( for details.
    * `backgroundColor`: The background color of the label text. See [Chart.js documentation]( for details.
* `highContrast`: Overrides of the color-related settings described above (`borderColor`, and the label's `fontColor` and `backgroundColor`) for when the user is in high-contrast mode. For examples see [the javascript file containing presets](
* `preset`: A "preset" is a pre-bundled set of configurations. The only available preset is `target_line`. For examples see [the javascript file containing presets]( Note that you can use a preset and also override any of that preset's individual settings.

This is an example of using annotations

```nohighlight graph_annotations: - unit: tons value: 19 borderColor: red - unit: passengers value: 1900 borderColor: red

This is an example of using the `target_line` preset:

  - unit: tons
    value: 19
    preset: target_line
  - unit: passengers
    value: 1900
    preset: target_line


Optional: This setting can be used to control the lowest/highest values to be shown on the y-axis by specifying min/max limits. Optionally they can refer to a specific unit of measurement or series. Note that this involves a slightly more complex metadata structure.

  - unit: tons
    minimum: 2
    maximum: 20
  - unit: passengers
    minimum: 200
    maximum: 2000


Optional: This setting can be used to add "series break" annotations (ie, gaps in the years) to the graph. Like graph_titles it can include multiple items, and each can be limited to particular units or series. Each item can have the following settings:

* `series`: If specified, the series break will only display when the user is looking at this series.
* `unit`: If specified, the series break will only display when the user is looking at this unit of measurement.
* `label_content`: The text to display on the annotation. Defaults to "Series break".
* `value`: The value at which to draw the line. This number should be between 0 (the left side of the chart) and the number of years minus 1 (the right side of the chart).

Note that this setting relies on the Chart.js annotation plugin. If you would like to tweak any other settings for more site-wide control, you can override the _includes/components/charts/annotation_presets.js file.

To show a series break midway between 2013 and 2014 on a graph which has years 2005 - 2018, the value would be 2013.5-2005 = 8.5

  - value: 8.5

or to specify per units/series:

  - unit: My computation units name
    value: 8.5
  - series: My series name
    value: 8.5


Optional: This setting can be used with the "bar" graph type to place a certain disaggregation (such as "Age") into the same "stacked" bars.

graph_stacked_disaggregation: Age


Optional: This setting can be used to add "target line" annotations to the graph. Like graph_titles it can include multiple items, and each can be limited to particular units or series. Each item can have the following settings:

* `series`: If specified, the target line will only display when the user is looking at this series.
* `unit`: If specified, the target line will only display when the user is looking at this unit of measurement.
* `label_content`: The text to display on the annotation. Defaults to "2030 target".
* `value`: The value at which to draw the line. This number corresponds to your actual data.

Note that this setting relies on the Chart.js annotation plugin. If you would like to tweak any other settings for more site-wide control, you can override the _includes/components/charts/annotation_presets.js file.

  - value: 2.5

or to specify per units/series:

  - unit: My computation units name
    value: 2.5
  - series: My series name
    value: 2.5


Required (for statistical indicators): This setting is used to specify the title that displays above the graph/chart. This can be simple text (or a translation key) if you would like the chart title to be the same for all units of measurement.

graph_title: My graph title for 1.1.1

With translation key:

graph_title: my_translations.1-1-1-graph_title


Required (for statistical indicators): This setting is used if you would like the chart title to depend on the user-selected unit of measurement. It has a more complex structure than graph_title (singular)

          - unit: Percent
            title: My title for percentages
          - unit: Total
            title: My alternate title for totals

Note: To use the currently-selected series as the chart title (where possible), set the site configuration option graph_title_from_series to true.


Required (for statistical indicators): This setting is used to specify what type of graph to use for the indicator. More information about charts here.

graph_type: line

Options out-of-the-box are: * line * bar * binary (Yes/No graph)


Required (for statistical indicators): This setting is used if you would like the chart type to depend on the user-selected unit of measurement or series. It has a more complex structure than graph_type (singular). For example:

  - unit: Percent
    type: line
  - unit: Total
    type: bar


Recommended: This setting is intended for use when the global indicator name might not accurately describe the available national/regional statistics. It should provide an alternate name for the indicator. If specified it will display just below the indicator banner.

indicator_available: A more suitable name for the data that is provided


Required: This setting is used to specify the name of the indicator, which displays at the top of the indicator page.

indicator_name: Proportion of population living below the national poverty line, by sex and age

With translation key:

indicator_name: global_indicators.1-2-1-title


Required: This setting is used to specify the number (or "id") for the indicator.

indicator_number: 1.2.1


Optional: This setting controls the order and contents of the data tabs on indicator pages. This only needs to be used on indicators where you would like to override the indicator_tabs site configuration setting.

Note that the override parameter is necessary in order for this indicator-specific override to be used.

For example, if you would like a particular indicator to start on the map tab, you could do this:

  override: true
  tab_1: map
  tab_2: chart
  tab_3: table
  tab_4: embed

For more details on how to use this setting, see the indicator_tabs site configuration setting.


Required (for statistical indicators): This setting is used to specify what label should be used in the absence of any disaggregation (i.e. for headline data)

national_geographical_coverage: Australia

With translation key:

national_geographical_coverage: my_translations.australia


Optional: This setting can be use to add content (e.g. tables, lists, links, headings, etc.) above the graph near the top of the screen. This is a useful place to add information about an indicator that doesn't fit in with the rest of the metadata.

See this guide to writing Markdown.

page_content: My additional information about the indicator

Optional: This setting can be used to control the URL of a standalone indicator. This does not require any preceding/trailing slashes. See the standalone metadata field below for information on how to set an indicator as standalone.

permalink: my-custom-indicator-path


Optonal: This setting can be used to give the indicator some placeholder text, which is displayed on goal pages instead of a link to an indicator page. The result is that users will only see the placeholder text, and will not be viewing the indicator page. This also hides the indicator from any reporting status calculations, so it will not affect the Reporting Status page.

placeholder: My placeholder text

Translation keys can also be used.



Optional: This setting is used to force a particular number of decimal places.

Note: Normally trailing zeroes are removed from decimals before being displayed. For example, "23.60" will be displayed as "23.6".

The example below could be used to force "23.60" to actually display as "23.60". Along the same lines, "23" would display as "23.00".

  - decimals: 2

You can also specify multiple precisions, and each one can apply to a particular unit and/or series. Here is an example if you want to force a precision of 2 on "percentage" units, and a precision of 1 on "total" units:

  - unit: percentage
    decimals: 2
  - unit: total
    decimals: 1


Required: This setting is used to specify the status of the indicator's progress. This is displayed on the indicator pages. You can also display this on goal pages by setting your goal layout to "goal-with-progress" (this can be done in the create_goals site configuration setting).

progress_status: target_achieved

Options out-of-the-box are:

  • not_available
  • challenges_remain
  • approaching_target
  • target_achieved


Optional: This setting can be used to flag that an indicator contains "proxy" data, meaning that it is somehow different than the expected UN global indicator. The available settings for this are:

proxy: proxy

Using "proxy" will flag the entire indicator as a proxy.

proxy: both

Using "both" can flag particular series codes within the indicator as proxies. This requires that you also set the proxy_series option below.


This setting is required if you have proxy set to "proxy". It should be a list of the series codes within the indicator that you want flagged as "proxy" data. For example:

proxy: both
  - my first series code
  - my other series code


Optional: This setting can be used to store details about related publications for an indicator. These can be displayed by having an item in your metadata_tabs site configuration with a scope of publications. It can contain any number of publication items, each of which should have a title and a link, and optionally a description (which can contain markdown) and/or date. Here is an example of the usage:

  - title: My publication title
    link: ""
    description: My publication description
    date: 1953-08-12
  - title: My other publication
    link: ""
    description: Another publication description
    date: 2022-01-01

Notice the date must be in the format: YYYY-MM-DD.

Optional: This setting can be used to control the indicators listed in the "Related indicators" tab on indicator pages. It can contain any number of indicator ID numbers. Here is an example of the usage:

Optional: This setting can be used to specify which other indicators are related to this one. These can be displayed by having an item in your metadata_tabs site configuration with a scope of related_indicators. It can contain any number of indicator ID numbers. Here is an example of the usage:

  - 1.1.1
  - 1.2.1


Required: This setting is used to specify the status of the indicator. This feeds into the reporting status page and also displays on the goal pages.

reporting_status: complete

Options out-of-the-box are:

  • complete
  • inprogress
  • notstarted
  • notapplicable


Optional: This setting can be used to override this automatic ordering for a particular indicator by setting sort in the metadata for that indicator.

The order in which indicators are displayed in lists is determined behind the scenes, according to the indicator number. This is done by automatically converting the indicator number to a string which sorts correctly when alphabetized. (For example, indicator 1.2.1 gets sorted as '010201'.) The example below shows how this setting could be used to make 1.2.1 appear at the end of goal 1, target 2.

sort: 0102zz


Optional: This setting can be used to store details about the sources of data for an indicator. These can be displayed by having an item in your metadata_tabs site configuration with a scope of sources_alt. It can contain any number of source items, each of which can have any of the following fields:

  • organisation
  • periodicity
  • earliest_available
  • geographical_coverage
  • url (should be a URL to a website)
  • url_text (controls the link text to use for the url above)
  • release_date
  • next_release
  • statistical_classification
  • contact
  • other_info
  • logo (should be a URL to an external image, or a path to one in the site repository)

Here is an example of the usage:

  - organisation: House of Commons Library
    periodicity: Discontinuous
    earliest_available: "1918"
    geographical_coverage: United Kingdom
    url: ""
    url_text: Women in Parliament and Government
    release_date: 04/03/2022
    next_release: TBC
    statistical_classification: Official Statistic 
    other_info: "This is *some* markdown."
    logo: ""


Optional: This setting can be used to set the indicator as standalone which will prevent it from appearing as part of a goal, and keeps the indicator off the reporting status, disaggregation status, and other disaggregation reports. It is useful if you would like to post statistical indicators that are not part of the SDGs (such as Covid-19 data).

standalone: true

In this case you may also want to control the URL of the indicator. You can do this with the permalink metadata field (see above).

If you want to create a listing page for your standalone indicators you can do so in the _pages folder of your site repository. For more details on how to create pages, see the create_pages guidance. It is recommended the following configuration is used on your created page:

layout: standalone-indicators


Optional: This setting is used to supply a list of "tags" to display under the indicator when it is listed on its goal page

  - My tag
  - My other tag

Note that each tag will receive a unique HTML class, according to the content of the tag. For example, a tag called "National" will receive an HTML class of "tag-national". This gives you precise control of the styling of each individual tag, through the use of custom CSS.

Additionally, the default color of the tags can be controlled by changing the $tag-backgroundColor Sass variable.


Optional: This setting, if provided, will display as a label beneath the X axis on charts. Note that this overrides the same setting in the site configuration.